
Java unable to install. error code 1618.
Java unable to install. error code 1618.

java unable to install. error code 1618.

  • Unzip the zip file into a local folder such as C:\\swig-3.0.12.
  • Go to swig-win download page to download the swig installer windows version.
  • Make SWIG_PATH, PATH environment variable settings take effect.
  • java unable to install. error code 1618.

    sudo vim /etc/profileĮxport SWIG_PATH=/home/Jerry/library/swigtool/bin Add SWIG_PATH environment variable, also add it in PATH environment variable.Specify swig install directory./configure -prefix=/home/Jerry/library/swigtool.Unzip the swig zip source code to a local directory.Go to the swig download page to download Linux version swig installation package.sudo apt-get install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev Install g++ if you do not install it already.Run swig -version in terminal to verify swig installation.Run the below command to install HomeBrew in MacOS.If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.The macOS use HomeBrew to manage software installation, so you need to install HomeBrew first and then install swig. MSI (c) (2C:3C) : Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. MSI (c) (2C:3C) : Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. MSI (c) (2C:3C) : Attempting to enable all disabled priveleges before calling Install on Server MSI (c) (2C:3C) : Failed to grab execution mutex.

    java unable to install. error code 1618.

    MSI (c) (2C:3C) : Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server. MSI (c) (2C:3C) : Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0 MSI (c) (2C:3C) : Resetting cached policy values = Verbose logging started: 12:04:16 Build type: SHIP UNICODE. However, it throws the following error in the msi log: So I added the vsto exe in the setup project and added a custom action to install the exe on msi commit condition. This msi installs my application which is an Excel based client.

    Java unable to install. error code 1618.